Balanced Living Weekly

Balanced Living Weekly

Hosted by: Cliff Ravenscraft & Father Roderick

This show originally started as The Biggest Loser Fan Podcast and was later rebranded as Balanced Living Weekly. In this podcast, Father Roderick and I shared our individual fitness journeys during this season of our...

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047 Balanced Living Weekly – A Call In Show? Only For This Show!

Topics Covered In This Episode: This week’s episode is just a little bit out of the norm. Okay, so I know that we just went through our second format change for this podcast. However, this week, Father Roderick as not...
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046 Balanced Living Weekly – A Balanced Thanksgiving Approach

Topics Covered In This Episode: What is the purpose of our show? Our show is all about purpose and balance! Listener Feedback Byron’s Comment on the site: Great show gents, It seems like you are helping me becoming...
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045 Biggest Loser – Rebranding Our Show

We are rebranding our show. What is our show about? Not just the TV series, not just about weight loss.. itÒ€ℒs a motivational show, that wants to help you stay on target so you can reach the important goals in your...
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044 Biggest Loser – Ratings Are Down

We covered the following topics this week: – Biggest Loser is down in ratings – we talk about why. – Going to the gym: the process in detail – Treadmills and your knees – 100 push ups a day – Productivity tools:...
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043 Biggest Loser – Email Inbox – You Are Dead To Me!

Audio Feedback This Week: This week we play audio feedback from our community. Special thanks to Jenn from Washington DC, Fred From Long Island, and Donna from Maine. Donna mentioned This weekÒ€ℒs...
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042 Biggest Loser – I Am Starting To Get Fat Again

– 100 Calorie Cupcakes – BobÒ€ℒs Fridge – Foods with a short shelf life. – No processed foods – More colorful meals – Hard to beat with $5 pizza – ItÒ€ℒs not worth the COST to your kidÒ€ℒs health to feed them a $5...
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041 Biggest Loser – Popcorn Accountability

Fr. Roderick shares some experiences of working out with the Wii. Cliff tells about his return to the gym. Trips to the movie theatre reveal that Cliff has had a lot of popcorn recently. Biggest Loser demonstrates the...
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040 Biggest Loser – When Your Wife Holds You Accountable

This week, Father Roderick had some technical difficulties and Cliff is joined by Stephanie as they discuss season 10 episode 2 of the Biggest Loser. In this episode, Stephanie also gives Cliff some much needed...
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039 Biggest Loser – S10 Ep 1 Motivations To Move

Season 10 of the Biggest Loser has kicked off. Bob, Jillian and the trainers travel to seven cities within the United States to introduce this year's contestants with challenges that motivate each of these...
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038 BL – Season 10 of The Biggest Loser Starts This Week!

The Biggest Loser is a television show broadcast in many countries. It centers on overweight contestants attempting to lose weight to fight for a cash prize. There are different variations of the Biggest Loser around...
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037 Biggest Loser – A Pilgrimage To Chipotle

[audio:] Biggest Loser Fan Podcast With Cliff Ravenscraft & Father Roderick Right-Click Here To Download MP3 In this episode, Fr. Roderick...
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036 Biggest Loser – Losing It – TWICE!

[audio:] Biggest Loser Fan Podcast With Cliff Ravenscraft & Father Roderick Right-Click Here To Download MP3 In this episode, Fr. Roderick and Cliff...
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