Help I Got A Mac

Help I Got A Mac

Hosted by: Cliff Ravenscraft & Chris Beiting

The Help I Got A Mac podcast was originally launched after I, Cliff Ravenscraft, purchased my very first Apple/Mac computer in 2007. My first computer was a Commodore Vic 20, I then spent years on DOS based computers....

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180 Help I Got A Mac – The Final Epsode

Well my friends, all great things must come to an end and Chris and I bring you this final episode of Help I Got A Mac. If you have not yet heard about why this and several other shows have been canceled, please...
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179 Help I Got A Mac – Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

In this episode of Help I Got A Mac, Chris and I open and close the show with the recorded words of Steve Jobs who has died at the age of 56. Steve has had a tremendous positive impact on the world and in our lives...
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178 Help I Got A Mac – Steve Jobs Steps Down – Why We Love Apple – We Will Be Back Soon!

In this episode of Help I Got A Mac, Chris and I talk about our reactions to the announcement that Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple, as well as how we felt about the media coverage related to this news story....
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177 Help I Got A Mac – Lion Is Buggy But Lovable

In this episode of Help I Got A Mac, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: Cliff upgrades to Lion and looses two hours of work. Mac 10.7.1 is out, but doesn't address what caused Cliff's issues. iPhone 5 Rumor of...
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176 Help I Got A Mac – Tweak Your Lion

In this episode of Help I Got A Mac, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: HD Video now available to Mac Skype Users Migration Assistant Update For Leopard To Lion Users – ScreenFlow 3.0 has been...
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175 Help I Got A Mac – What Is All This Talk About Windows 7?

In this episode, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: Cliff's Windows 7 experience. Replay service for streaming iTunes purchase history: Apple gettin all MAJOR TV networks –
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174 Help I Got A Mac – Chris Says Wait 30 To 60 Days Before Upgrading To Lion

In this episode, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: Apple issues recall for some iMac hard drives: Apple Releases Patch for Existing Users: Chris got Final Cut Pro X — and...
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173 Help I Got A Mac – Lion Is Here – New MacBook Air – New Mac Mini

In this episode, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: Lion is out – Chris' impressions New MacBook Airs New Mac Minis RIP MacBook Apple Has BILLIONS & Stock Price Record! All Chris' new toys! ScreenFlow 3 is...
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172 Help I Got A Mac – Spotify Replaces iTunes

In this episode we cover the following topics: Spotify Goes Live – Spotify Plans – Cliff ordered a Roku XDS Streaming Media Player –...
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171 Help I Got A Mac – The Episode Cliff Deleted

In this week’s episode, I fly solo once again. However, it is TOTALLY MY FAULT. I actually deleted the original recording of the podcast that I did with my co-host, Chris Beiting, when I formatted my SD card without...
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170 Help I Got A Mac – No Audio From My iMac

In this episode, Cliff and Chris talk about the following: Cliff’s Broken iMac Story Apple Back to School Promo to begin June 16th? – Unlocked iPhone 4 (GSM) now for sale in US –...
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169 Help I Got A Mac – Lion – iOS 5 – iCloud Reactions

In this episode of Help I Got A Mac, Cliff and Chris discuss the following: OSX Lion Persistnt Saving Document Versions OS update via Mac App Store $29.99 upgrade covers all your computers iOS 5 New Notifcations on...
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